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29 resources

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Undermining Human Rights: Ireland, the ESB and Cerrejón coal

Undermining Human Rights: Ireland, the ESB and Cerrejón coal

Advent prayers for Syria and Yemen

God of Advent, We wait for a message to the world, and a message has come. Not a message of hope but of horror.

Tax relief CHY3 enduring certificate

Tax relief CHY3 enduring certificate

Tax relief CHY4 annual certificate

Tax relief CHY4 annual certificate

Christian Aid Ireland combined reports 2018-2019

Christian Aid Ireland combined reports 2018-2019

Christian Aid Ireland combined accounts 2017-2018

Christian Aid Ireland combined accounts 2017-2018

Prayer for Indonesian earthquake and tsunami

O God, hold those who are hurting

GBV Programming in Contexts Affected by Violence and Conflict

GBV Programming in Contexts Affected by Violence and Conflict

Evaluation Irish Aid Funded Programme 2012-2016

Evaluation Irish Aid Funded Programme 2012-2016

Prayer for hope

Prayer for hope

Recruitment information for candidates: for the UK and Ireland

This is a summary of information relating to the recruitment of new employees in the UK and Ireland. This document is a general overview to support candidates/applicants during the recruitment process.