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15 resources

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Christian Aid Ireland Combined Accounts 2023-2024

Combined Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2024

Christian Aid Ireland Combined Accounts 2022-2023

Combined Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023

Create a Prayer Wall of Hope

A short guide to setting up a prayer wall in your church to pray for climate justice.

Create your own Advent prayer chain

Create your own Advent prayer chain

Gift Aid form

Gift Aid form

Tax relief CHY3 enduring certificate

Tax relief CHY3 enduring certificate

Tax relief CHY4 annual certificate

Tax relief CHY4 annual certificate

Direct debit form NI

Direct debit form NI

Christian Aid Ireland combined accounts 2017-2018

Christian Aid Ireland combined accounts 2017-2018

Evaluation Irish Aid Funded Programme 2012-2016

Evaluation Irish Aid Funded Programme 2012-2016

Republic of Ireland regular giving form

Republic of Ireland regular giving form

Christian Aid Ireland Combined Accounts 2016-2017

Christian Aid Ireland Combined Accounts 2016-2017

Christian Aid Ireland Combined Accounts 2014-2015

Christian Aid Ireland Combined Accounts 2014-2015

Christian Aid Ireland Combined Accounts 2015-2016

Christian Aid Ireland Combined Accounts 2015-2016

Christian Aid Ireland Combined Accounts 2013-2014

Christian Aid Ireland Combined Accounts 2013-2014