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21 resources

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Christmas Appeal film 2023

Christian Aid's Christmas Appeal film focusses on the stories of four women from Bangladesh: Morsheda, Kakoli, Khaleda and Anjum.

South Africa learning review

Learning from our work in South Africa

Research Design resource

Research Design resource

Prayer for the world based on Psalm 13

How long, O Lord? Can we hide our faces from the headlines of violence and tragedy?

Research and evaluation ToRs - a one-page guide

Research and evaluation ToRs - a one-page guide

Writing executive questions - a one-page guide

Writing executive questions - a one-page guide

Writing research questions - a one-page guide

Writing research questions - a one-page guide

Accessing academic journals: a one-page guide

Accessing academic journals: a one-page guide

Communicating research for uptake and impact - a one-page guide

Communicating research for uptake and impact - a one-page guide

Literature reviews - a one-page guide

Literature reviews - a one-page guide

Engaging in the peace process in Colombia

Engaging in the peace process in Colombia

Christian Aid Ireland’s adaptive programme management

This paper is the product of a collaboration between ODI and Christian Aid Ireland to assess the relevance of adaptive approaches.

Harvest factsheet

Download our factsheet for all you and your church need to know about the project you're supporting this Harvest.

Harvest order of service

Download our order of service to use this Harvest.

Harvest poster

Download our Harvest poster to use in your church or community.

Harvest prayer sheet

Download our Harvest prayer sheet to use in your church.

Harvest sermon notes

Download our sermon notes to use in your church this Harvest. 

Rethinking research partnerships: discussion guide and toolkit

Rethinking research partnerships: discussion guide and toolkit