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9 resources

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Grants by partners 2021-2022

Downloadable list of grants by partners

Grants by partners 2022-2023

Downloadable list of grants by partners

Grants by partners 2023-2024

Downloadable list of grants by partners

Research and evaluation ToRs - a one-page guide

Research and evaluation ToRs - a one-page guide

Writing executive questions - a one-page guide

Writing executive questions - a one-page guide

Writing research questions - a one-page guide

Writing research questions - a one-page guide

Accessing academic journals: a one-page guide

Accessing academic journals: a one-page guide

Communicating research for uptake and impact - a one-page guide

Communicating research for uptake and impact - a one-page guide

Literature reviews - a one-page guide

Literature reviews - a one-page guide