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19 resources

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Direct Debit form

Direct debit form Northern Ireland

Middle East Crisis Appeal Church Powerpoint

A presentation about the Middle East Crisis Appeal to use in services for a church collection

Presentation for Afghanistan

Share this PowerPoint presentation with your church

Advent prayers for Syria and Yemen

God of Advent, We wait for a message to the world, and a message has come. Not a message of hope but of horror.

Prayer for Sierra Leone

A prayer for those affected by the mudslides in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Direct debit form NI

Direct debit form NI

Prayer for Indonesian earthquake and tsunami

O God, hold those who are hurting

Advice on completing your application form

Advice on completing your application form

Republic of Ireland regular giving form

Republic of Ireland regular giving form

Litanies for refugees

Litanies and prayers from Refugee Week 2016.

Prayer for hope

Prayer for hope

Prayer points for refugee crisis

Prayer points for refugee crisis

Prayers for East Africa

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed

Prayers for Hurricane Matthew

Prayers for Hurricane Matthew

Christian Aid global competency model

Christian Aid’s global competency model describes the main skills and abilities that everyone needs to demonstrate in order to perform effectively in their role at Christian Aid.

Recruitment information for candidates: for the UK and Ireland

This is a summary of information relating to the recruitment of new employees in the UK and Ireland. This document is a general overview to support candidates/applicants during the recruitment process.

Employment ethos/employer aspiration

A statement of intent to create and develop a workplace free from unfair discrimination

Essential information about work permit and visa requirements

Information about the documents you will need to provide if you are applying for a position in the UK.