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17 resources

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Pray for South Sudan

This Christmas, join us in prayer for South Sudan.

Board Committee members

Christian Aid Ireland is seeking to appoint new members to three of its Board Committees, commencing November 2024.

Building Peace

Key things to know about peace building in this general election year

Climate Action

Key things to know about climate action in this general election year

Economic Justice

Key things to know about economic justice in this general election year

UK General Election Manifesto 2024

The steps we want the newly elected government to take to make tackling poverty a priority.

Standing Together ...with gratitude

A look at some of the work your support makes possible and the achievements together over the past year. Truly your generosity, your activism and your prayers are saving lives and changing lives.

Direct Debit form

Direct debit form Northern Ireland

South Sudan MP Briefing June 2023

South Sudan MP Briefing June 2023

Church presentation

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Church presentation

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The cost of inaction

The cost of inaction

Christian Aid Ethiopia Annual Report 2018/19

A summary of Christian Aid Ethiopia’s major achievements during 2018/19 and contributions to changing the lives of communities we work with.

Prayer for South Sudan

Prayer for South Sudan

Christmas Appeal church resources pack

Contains a short talk, prayers, a 5-minute children’s interactive talk, sermon pointers and lots of ideas for you and your church.

Prayer for Ethiopia

Lord, a land of coffee and grain of cattle and crops, of pasture and plain of laughter and love is thirsty.

South Sudan Letter to Editor Template

Write a letter to your local paper using this template